Community, Ambition, Spirituality, Health

Curriculum Intent (PHSE)
(Including RSE: Relationship and Sex Education)

We want to empower our students to live well, recognise positive relationships in all contexts (both on and off line) and understand how to be safe and be prepared for life as well informed citizens in the wider world.

Our Venture Values;

  1. Develop students that are resilient to setbacks & take pride in their achievements.
  2. Enable students to be well prepared to respect others as 21st Century global citizens in Britain and beyond.
  3. Provide students with Cultural Capital that ensures they can thrive in future learning and employment.

Our Venture Values support the fundamental British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Tolerance of Different Cultures and Religions, Mutual Respect and Individual Liberty. 

We are passionate about the development of the whole child and therefore our CASH curriculum provides extensive opportunities for character education and personal and spiritual development.

Every lesson and every collective (assembly) also links with one of our C.A.S.H. strands;

  • Community
  • Ambition
  • Spirituality
  • Health

‘WHY do we have CASH at Venture?’

  • Helps prepare us to be 21st Century Citizens
  • Helps to understand the wider world
  • Links to British Values and Venture Virtues
  • Because it helps everyone to think about their Community, Ambition, Spirituality and issues around Health
  • It covers things that are NOT covered in other subjects
  • Its interesting!

Should you have any questions or if you are interested in contributing to our ongoing parental feedback group, please email Venture’s Senior Lead for Personal, Social and Economic Education (PSHE), Spencer Doggett at [email protected]

Our PSHE Curriculum Map is outlined below. Please note that any section highlighted in red are units where a parent or guardian has the right to withdraw their child. Please follow the guidance in the policy or contact our Senior Lead to discuss this further.

NB: Sections in RED are units a parent/guardian has the right to withdraw their child from (Please contact [email protected] )

Signposting for Parents: Some useful websites that parents may want to access for knowledge, support and guidance

(Ormiston Venture Academy regularly works with many of these organisations, utilise their resources and invite in speakers to present collectives and conduct workshops with our students) 

Click on the titles to access the links.