
There are a wide range of facilities available to hire at the academy, these include our Sports Hall, Gymnasium, sports pitches and lecture theatre. All lettings our managed by our business partner, Edu-Lettings. Normal opening hours are between 18:00 and 22:00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 to 20:00 at weekends.

Further information can be found at:

or calling 03331020303

Our tennis facility is managed through ClubSpark as a Lawn Tennis Association registered venue.  We have four flood lit courts that are available for booking all year round, outside of academy hours.
Membership covers everyone living at one address for the cost of £30 per year with a small additional charge to cover the use of floodlights.
Coaching and lessons are also available with qualified coach Samantha Noble.  Sam has both played for and captained the Norfolk Ladies tennis team and brings over ten years’ coaching experience.  
For further information on tennis, membership or lessons, please contact Sam 07713 336773 or find the group on Facebook at GrandSamTennis, or email [email protected]
