“Students display positive attitudes behave responsibly and are eager to learn”

Ofsted Report

Section 5 Inspection, May 2013. Judgement: Outstanding

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school.  

Inspired leadership from the Principal has transformed the quality of education provided for students. Her determination to raise their aspirations and achievement has led to rapid and sustained improvements.
A relentless drive to improve teaching quality has made it consistently good and regularly outstanding. Teachers know individual students well. They make sure that students’ personal needs are met and that they achieve the challenging targets set for them.
Based on their low starting points, most students make outstanding progress. Standards have risen from well below to above the national average since opening.
Students who join the academy with low levels of literacy are promptly taught how to read and write, enabling them to enjoy learning and achieve well. Gaps in their basic skills are filled through intensive, personalised support.
An innovative, stimulating range of subjects enables most students to enjoy learning and acquire qualifications during and by the end of Key Stage 4. The vast majority are well prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment.
Students’ behaviour is exemplary. They attend regularly, are well mannered, courteous and respectful. Students wear their uniforms with pride and aspire to represent the academy as prefects, captains and councillors. Older students enthuse about the improvements that have taken place and say they feel much safer than in the past.
The concerted drive for sustained improvement is based securely on rigorous, regular monitoring of individual students’ progress and wellbeing, including of disabled students and those who have special educational needs. Those at risk of underachieving are nurtured and supported so they can meet the high expectations of them.
Senior and subject leaders work collaboratively to secure improvement. They regularly observe lessons to check the quality of teaching and its impact on learning, and encourage staff to share best practice. Systematic auditing of each subject holds staff accountable for the achievement of students in their care.
Governors’ incisive knowledge of schools makes a major contribution to the academy’s ethos and success. They set the highest expectations of staff and students.

Click here to download the full report.

Section 8 Inspection, April 2012. Judgement: Outstanding.

Achievement of pupils at the academy: Standards have risen sharply since opening. In 2011 the vast majority of Year 11 students attained at least five A* to C grades. Based on their well below average starting points and the low standards achieved in the predecessor school, this is a notable achievement.
The quality of teaching: Students value the quality of teaching they receive and feel that it is much better than in the predecessor school. They told inspectors that they are on-track to achieve what they are capable of because of the high expectations teachers have of them and the help and encouragement they provide. Lessons observed jointly by senior leaders and inspectors confirmed this. Classrooms were orderly, calm and purposeful. Lesson planning was thorough with clear objectives. Teachers used a range of techniques to capture students’ interest, encourage them to contribute their ideas and learn together in small groups. Students were encouraged to take an active part in practical learning tasks. Clear introductions, good pace and probing questioning helped to accelerate their learning. Teachers showed good subject knowledge. They developed good working relations with students, but not all of them planned regular opportunities for them to learn independently for extended periods of time.
Behaviour and safety of pupils: Clear, coherent procedures to manage behaviour are firmly established. This has contributed directly to the academy’s rapid improvement because students feel safe and free from all types of bullying, and teachers are not distracted by minor disruption in lessons. 
The quality of leadership in and management of the academy: Inspirational, highly effective leadership from the Principal has driven a wide range of improvements in a short period of time. Her vision and determination to raise achievement have led to much higher standards compared with the predecessor school. Ably supported by senior and middle leaders, she has reignited students’ belief that they are capable of achieving success. She has won the confidence and respect of students and gained the full commitment of staff to deliver the academy’s aims. She has ensured that the academy has new relations with the local community including parents and carers, and local primary schools.
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