Extended Learning

We enable students to secure a strong foundation of knowledge and skills through strategic engagement and regular retrieval practise, so that knowledge is not forgotten over time but is retained and can be built on in future learning. In designing the curriculum, opportunities to practise at home are part of the plan for retrieval practise, particularly of the essential knowledge contained in the Venture Vitals (Book of Knowledge – Senior year). This means across the curriculum your child will be set Extended Learning that:

  • Is set regularly and is relevant
  • Provides opportunities to engage with their knowledge organisers in their Venture Vitals
  • Provides opportunities to use the recall strategies in their Venture Vitals
  • Provides opportunities to engage with the subject specific wider reading in the back of their Venture Vitals
  • Offers further opportunities for complex application of knowledge to different contexts
  • Is incorporated into future lessons and built upon

The partnership between parents and the academy is crucial in ensuring we can support children together to maximise their learning. All extended learning is shared via our online live reporting portal G04Schools. We also offer workshops during our calendar of parent evenings to ensure you can fully support your child in their extended learning.