
Academic Tutoring

To support the coherently planned curriculum that the students actively enjoy, we offer tutoring sessions across a wide range of subjects. Students are invited to take part in bespoke tutoring sessions provided by teachers that are personalised to improve the identified area of development from their learning. Building the cognitive skills of students is an integral component of our curriculum, and these sessions support and develop pupil progress to ensure that there are no gaps or misconceptions.

Raise Rooms

We are committed to offering a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Alongside our guilds, societies and extensive clubs that run, the Raise Rooms provide a space for quiet personal study in which pupils can extend and deepen their knowledge of subjects. It provides an opportunity to complete homework or coursework in a computer room with a member of staff supporting. The Raise Rooms are open Tuesday-Friday after school.

Learning Gurus

We are committed to ensuring that the personal development of our students is a core component of the academy and can support their academic achievement. Our innovative learning guru program offers the opportunity for students to lead on our peer tutoring program and support other students.

Our selected Learning Gurus take a lead in a wide range of activities to support developing the cognitive skills of students. They work closely with teachers to plan and lead tutoring sessions for younger pupils and also develop and lead activities for students in the Raise Rooms; all the while developing their own leadership skills and developing a deeper understanding of the subjects they deliver. 

Success Centre

At Venture, we are acutely aware of the importance of excellent literacy skills. Good literacy skills ensure students are able to unlock meaning across the curriculum and express themselves with clarity and precision.

To ensure our students do not face barriers due to gaps in literacy, reading and spelling attainment of all students is assessed annually using New Group Reading and Spelling Tests (NGR/ST). Any literacy gaps identified through testing are swiftly addressed through the personalised intervention programmes offered in our Success Centre.

Reading and spelling interventions ensure there are no barriers to students of all levels throughout the curriculum. Should testing indicate your child needs support with their reading and/or spelling they will be offered a bespoke intervention programme to provide focused support with reading and or spelling strategies. This could include the use of Lexia Power Up, Lexonik Advanced, Lexonik Leap, Core 5 and phonics International as part of short term small group intervention.

The Success Centre also offers handwriting intervention to targeted students.

Master Maths Centre

Every student deserves the strong foundation of knowledge and skills to become a numerate individual in an ever evolving world. 

The Master Maths Centre provides pupils with an opportunity to secure the core knowledge of numeracy and mathematics, complementing the timetabled mathematics lessons. Pupils are targeted to work in small groups to enhance their mathematical skillset, allowing them to more easily access a wide range of lessons.

The work with these students following the planned program of intervention has demonstrated a positive impact on not only their mathematical ability but also their confidence in applying numeracy across the curriculum. 

Supporting Your Child With Reading

Reading is prioritised in all areas to allow pupils to access the full curriculum. At all stages, reading attainment is assessed and gaps are addressed quickly and effectively for all pupils. Assessment of reading takes place twice annually using New Group Reading Test.

Reading interventions ensure there are no barriers to students of all levels throughout the curriculum. Should testing indicate your child needs support with their reading they will be offered a bespoke intervention programme to provide focused support with reading strategies. This may include the use of Lexia Power Up, Lexonik Advanced, Core 5 and Lenonik Leap as part time spent in small group intervention in the Success Centre.