
At Ormiston Venture Academy we are committed to helping our students find the best opportunities on every pathway for when they leave.

At Venture, we believe in supporting our students as they pursue their dreams and take the next steps toward a successful future. One of the ways we do this is by supporting students to apply for a scholarship transitioning into sixth form, giving them a valuable opportunity to further their education and reach their full potential.

Whether students are aiming for university, an apprenticeship, or another career pathway, a scholarship can be a significant stepping stone toward achieving their goals. It not only opens doors to high-quality education but also empowers students to make the most of their talents and ambitions. By securing a scholarship, students leaving Venture can continue their educational journey with confidence, knowing they have the resources and support to succeed.

At Venture, we are proud to promote these opportunities, encouraging our students to apply for scholarships at sixth forms in Norfolk, Suffolk, and beyond. Our goal is to equip them with the skills, knowledge, and financial backing they need to pursue their aspirations and build a bright future.

St Joseph’s College, Ipswich

Langley School, Norwich

Oundle, Northamptonshire

Gresham’s, Holt

St Felix, Southwold

Wymondham College, Wymondham

Norwich High School for Girls, Norwich

Here are some of our students and the scholarship programmes they went on to…

2024 – Tegan Engstrom

Currently beginning her journey at Gresham’s with a full boarding scholarship.

2024 – Emiliya Mitreva 

Emiliya has been award a 6th form scholarship at Oundle School in North Northamptonshire. She achieved fantastic grades in her GCSEs. She managed 7 grade 9s an 8 and a Distinction in her final results. She was a key member of the netball and athletics teams right throughout her time at Venture as well as being a vital member of the Performing Arts showcases. She had a main role in Fame the musical as Mabel Washington. Emiliya was Head Girl during her time at Venture as well as getting involved in charity events, fairs, College Clashes and parental liaison events. Emiliya has been an inspiration for the younger students and we know her dedication and commitment will set her up for further success at Oundle.  

2023 – Evie Williams 

Evie went on to a Sports Scholar at St Joseph’s College in Ipswich which is part of the partnership between the college and Ipswich Town Football Club. Evie is studying Mathematics, Economics and Psychology A Levels and also completing a BTEC in Sport. 

Evie now plays regularly for the Ipswich Town Football Club  Women’s First Team in the Southern Premier League (Tier 3) and recently played in the third round of the FA Cup. She also competes in national tournaments for the college.

2023 – Riley Manthorpe- Brett

Riley was awarded a scholarship for a Sixth Form place at Gresham’s School from September 2023. Riley applied to study Chemistry, Biology & Psychology and got involved in the House debating and enjoyed it but was disappointed that there’s no girls rugby, this was something she was going to look into through the School Council. 

Riley talked about her future and expressed that she would like to possibly attend a London University or abroad!

2022 – Mollie Speed

Mollie secured an amazing opportunity for her future with a Scholarship at Langley School in Norwich. Mollie found out about the Nelson scholarship through one of Langley’s social media posts that they had advertised. Mollie has been offered a fully paid scholarship for Langley sixth form to study the a-levels of her choice and access to all additional facilities that Langley offer. The scholarship is being offered in conjunction with Nelson Spirit which will be providing personal leadership mentoring with Nigel Cushion as the whole day was assessed on leadership and the important factors of leaders in the world. Nelson Spirit is a leadership mentoring business which is involved with many business leaders within Norfolk. 

Mollie is planning to study English Literature, History and Geography with psychology as an EPQ alongside it. She hoping to get an internship for a Law Company within Norfolk over the next couple of years. This will hopefully lead to her a career in law and leading to me becoming a senior associate within a law firm. 

2022 Sama Abdulkawy

Sama, was awarded  a scholarship for a Sixth Form place at Gresham’s School from September 2022. Here, Sama will  benefit from a multitude of enrichment activities, a wide range of sport and the Dyson Building, the new centre for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths (STEAM) education, which opened this academic year. Sama will particularly benefit from this new resource due to her specific interest in the STEAM subjects.
After completing her A levels in which she would like to study Psychology, Chemistry and Biology, Sama would like to read Neuroscience at university, focusing on Surgical Practice, and progress to train as a Doctor. Alongside her academic aspirations, Sama is interested in studying Greek Mythology and French, and would like to travel to New Zealand one day. 

2022 – Daisy Abbots-Freeman 

Daisy auditioned and successfully gained a place at Evolution Foundation College to study a Level 4 qualification in musical theatre and follow her passions of becoming a professional dancer. She resides near the college with older students, but does return home now and again to see her family! Daisy has always danced and has been integral parts of different dance schools and shows locally.

2021 – Alex Riches

Alex gained a place on the Elite Football programme with Norwich City Football Club, and attended sessions at Carrow Park to study Sport and develop his skills as a goalkeeper. A regular in the Norwich City representational teams throughout his youth, Alex is keen to learn about the coaching and analysis side of sport as well. He has also volunteered in the PE department at Venture to broaden his experiences of teaching and coaching .

2021Akshika  Yogarajah

Akshika,  was awarded a sixth form place at Gresham’s she experienced independent school life, benefitting from a multitude of enrichment activities, a wide range of sport and the Dyson Building, the new centre for STEM education, opening in 2021. The building, which incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths education, will be a particular benefit to Akshika who aims to study a range of Sciences and Maths at A level.   

After completing her A levels, Akshika commented that she would like to study Medicine at university and progress to train as a Junior Doctor, eventually specialising in Pediatrics. Her previous work experience at the James Paget hospital and the Ormiston Herman Academy has ignited her interest in Pediatric Medicine.

2020 – Ollie Stephenson

Ollie gained a place on the Elite Football programme with Norwich City Football Club, and attended sessions at Carrow Park to study Sport and develop his skills as a striker. Ollie now plays at a local level scoring goals for fun.

2020 – Juilanna Mercardo

Juilanna’s was awarded a scholarship at Gresham’s and her dream was to read Law at Cambridge before moving on to train with the Magic Circle firm.

The A’ levels she was hoping to study were – Psychology, Geography, French, + 1. 

Julianna wanted to continue swimming and other sports which are available at Gresham’s.  She was also a Grade 6 at violin and was determined to achieve Grade 7 whilst at Gresham’s.

Julianna studied Economics, Geography and Maths at A’ Level and coped really well with them all, despite the distance learning during lock-down. Her aim is still to study Law.

She slotted in well to the House and school system but found  it challenging to get involved in duties around the House. She has stepped up,  after a LVI training course, so it could have been that she didn’t really know what she was expected to do.

Julianna continued to love her swimming and used the gym a lot too. She continued to work hard on her violin also.

2020 – Mia Steward

Mia applied for and was fortunate enough to gain a place at the prestigious Wymondham College for her Key Stage 5 studies. 

2019 – Daisy Jennings

Attended Jane Austin College in Norwich to study psychology, performing arts and languages after completing a successful sports leadership scholarship the previous Summer, and appearing as the lead role in the Academy’s musical.

2019 – Jasmine Loades

Jasmine has ‘used her time at Gresham’s most productively’. She  studied Psychology, Maths and Biology at A’ Level and sat assessments to provide evidence of attainment. Jasmine decided not to apply for university initially, instead she gained a sought-after place as a ‘sports gappy’ at Geelong College in Australia.  

Travel remains her first love and she was planning to do more sailing (Navy section of the CCF) and possibly in the world of superyachts.

2018 – Emily Bradford and Cameron Hodds

Both were in receipt of an 80% scholarship to St Felix School in Suffolk for their sixth form studies.

2018 – Tyler Munro

Tyler, was  appointed House Captain at Gresham’s (our first Venture Scholar to have achieved such a position of responsibility) found out  that the organisation is quite involved. But loved it! She had to organise Edinburgh for the recent House Music competition: Instrumental, Part Song and (the whole House) Unison. Getting the young ladies together for rehearsal was ‘challenging’. Tyler had duty rotas to organise, both in-house and whole school and make sure that discipline is maintained within Edinburgh. 

Tyler performed in ‘Sweet Charity’, the  big musical and loved her involvement in CCF (RAF). She goined her Grey Wings but the flying session, where she hoped to achieve her Blue Wings, was cancelled because of the weather. Again!

Academically, Tyler performed well on her UCAS testing: 7th %ile (out of 10) and Band 1 in (something) which puts her in the top 14% of applicants in the Country. She  wants to work in Paediatrics and is applied to: Edinburgh, Manchester, King’s and Bristol.

2017 – Tiah-Paige Davie

Tiah whilst at Gresham’s went on a record number of CCF courses :

1. Diving. With 3 week’s left of the term we was told, by a very worried, Navy Commander (Staff) that he didn’t think Tiah would get her 200m swimming qualification – a requirement for the course but apparently, one morning, she went to her swim training session and she just could swim! She loved the course, Portsmouth, and now has a Navy Diving qualification in Ocean diving to 20metres.

2. Round Scotland sailing. 7 cadets and  2 instructors sailed round Scotland. Tiah now has a Competent Crew qualification.

3. Band Camp. Dartmouth this time. Very disciplined but loved it. In charge of the cymbals.

On these trips she quizzed the baby personnel and went to the Services Careers Office in Norwich and she’s joining the Navy. Officer level, 70 UCAS points. She talked about taking a Gap Year, working with charitable or humanitarian projects or considering contacting the Tall Ships Trust.

Her ambition: Warfare Officer – controlling offensive & defensive action on-board.

She was also, of course, a Petty Officer.

went on a record number of CCF courses

2016 – Lucy Rose Baar

Following on from her scholarship at Gresham’s Lucy was last known to be working her way through a gap year, hopeful that the skills and knowledge she absorbed, in a care home, will help her when she embarks upon her studies in Medicine. Applications made were for Exeter, Manchester and Bristol to study Bio- medicine and for Liverpool to study Tropical diseases Bio -Medicine.

2015 – Brittany Purl

Having completed her scholarship at Gresham’s, Brittany commented she ‘Has never been happier’, she is loving her job, working closely with Forensic Psychiatrists as a PA at a Criminal Law firm in Norwich. This is a career ambition which Brittany explained at her very 1st Scholarship interview ‘way back when’, at Venture. Brittany is studying for her own Forensic Psychology degree with the Open University, whilst also learning in a practical situation.

2014 – Daniel Symonds

Daniel was awarded a scholarship at Gresham’s

2013 – Jade Munro

Jade balanced her academic and sporting life with great success whilst at Gresham’s. Jade reclaimed her World Kickboxing Champion title alongside managing to achieve astonishingly good marks in her studies. This gave Jade  the choice of a huge number of universities, Jade was leaning towards undertaking a degree in pharmaceuticals at either Bath or Kingston.  We are sure she will be amazing whichever one she chose.

2012 – Ashley Scarlett

Having completed his 6th form scholarship at Gresham’s Ashley In his final year of Masters study, in Chemistry, at Belfast  University he planed to continue onto a PhD afterwards. Ashley was conducting research on the ‘self-assembly of silver nanoparticles for enhancing analytical techniques’. He was hoping to have his group work published – but it’s not 100% guaranteed. 

2011 – Callum Cooke

Callum is the owner of a huge accolade. He is the first Venture Alumni who has made it to Oxbridge. After two very successful years at Gresham’s, Callum went on to reading Fine Art at Oxford University which is a massive achievement.