Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

The government has provided pupil premium funding for schools in proportion to the number of students who have claimed Free School Meals (FSM) in the last 6 years, commonly known as ‘Ever 6’. Funding is also provided for children of military service personnel and Looked After Children. The term “disadvantaged” is now used nationally to describe this group of students and to track their progress and achievement.

The rate in 23/24 is £1050 per pupil in Years 7 – 11. Schools are free to decide how best to spend this funding, with a clear intention from the government that it should be used to support the learning of the target group of students and to close the attainment gap between these and other students.

This year we have approximately 43% of Ormiston Venture Academy Students eligible as “Ever 6” and have implemented a wide range of strategies to ensure that personalised support is provided to every individual in their learning. Pupil Premium funding has been allocated using research from the Sutton Trust and best practice to ensure it has a significant impact.

How can I make sure the academy benefits if my child is eligible?

If your child is currently on Free School Meals or has been at any point in the past 6 years, the academy will receive the Pupil Premium payment on their behalf. If they are currently eligible for Free School Meals then they will also get school meals paid for. For your child to be eligible you must receive one of the following benefits:

  • Universal Credit
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for the four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
  • Child Tax Credit (with no Working Tax Credit)

If you believe that your child might be eligible for Free School Meals then please apply at this link: Free school meals – Norfolk County Council 

If you would like any support with completing the application please contact Mrs Thompson at [email protected] 

How we use our Pupil Premium

At Venture we believe that every student can and must achieve. We acknowledge that there may be barriers that may affect achievement and use Pupil Premium funding alongside the latest research (for example via The Sutton Trust) to provide personalised support to address these barriers. The following outlines a number of principles we have used to implement an effective strategy:

  • Academy focus on quality of regular effective feedback invested in through whole Academy and personalised CPD. Evidence from Sutton trust CEM research suggests this can have an impact of up to 8 months progress in a year
  • Metacognition and self-regulation strategies are developed through curriculum areas and reinforced through Personalised Learning groups. Evidence from Sutton trust CEM research suggests this can have an impact of up to 8 months progress in a year.
  • Early intervention in key skills through Success Centre and A-Team. Evidence from Sutton trust CEM research suggests this can have an impact of up to 6 months progress in a year.
  • Extended learning support for students through the Raise Rooms and Raising Achievement space. Evidence from Sutton trust CEM research suggests this can have an impact of up to 5 months progress in a year.
  • Peer tutoring and support through the Learning Guru’s programme. Evidence from Sutton trust CEM research suggests this can have an impact of up to 5 months progress in a year.
  • Academy integration of new technologies to deliver curriculum and learning opportunities. Evidence from Sutton trust CEM research suggests this can have an impact of up to 4 months progress in a year.
  • All interventions currently in place across the Academy are also in place for disadvantaged students with “live” data of groups regularly monitored
  • Support provided to engage in curricular/Academy activities
  • Disadvantaged students are identified in assessment data, lesson plans and tracking/intervention
  • Breakfast clubs with an additional focus on academic support
  • Hardship fund to support access
  • Vulnerable children structured break and lunchtime sessions

To see the Pupil Premium Strategy in its entirety and how funding has been allocated towards different priority areas.