Union Of Venture Students

“Students regularly volunteer to contribute to the academy by acting as prefects and sports leaders.”

“The Union of Venture Students is a unique model of pupil voice that gives the overwhelming majority of students in the academy the feeling that they have genuine impact on academy life. It promotes the British values of democracy and leadership and encourages active participation to an outstanding level.”

We have developed an innovative Student Leadership structure at the Academy with a university style Student Union overseeing every aspect of student life. There are opportunities for students of all ages to get involved in the Union and make a difference. At the head of this Union is the Union Executive Board which is made up of senior year students.

The Union of Venture Students has a calendar year cycle, to inspire the future generation of young leaders. Each year the students pick aspects of the academy they would like to develop and have a targeted focus to create a positive school experience for every student each and every day. The Union is divided into sub sections such as, Prefects, Media team, Guilds and Societies, Student Support, College Clash, Community and Culture and Learning Gurus. Each category of the Union is led by a member of senior year and works with students from all year groups.

Meet the team…

Dylan – Head Boy
Ashnetha – Head Girl
Maddox – Deputy Head Boy
Poppy – Deputy Head Girl
Megan – Senior Prefect
Daisy – Senior Prefect
Lily – Guilds and Societies
Ella – Guilds and Societies and Media
Uche – Guilds and Societies
Gracie – Student Support
Sophia – Student Support
Ann-Lee – Media
Elisha – Media
Aeryn – Media
Jamie – College Clash
Aaliyah – College Clash
Thomas – College Clash
Brandon – College Clash
Sienna – Community and Culture
Connie – Community and Culture
Thomas – Community and Culture
Kirsten – Learning Partners
Illysa – Learning Partners

Investors in Pupils

The Union were able to achieve the ‘Investors in Pupils’ Quality Mark, a nationally recognised mark awarded to schools and Academies that demonstrate a student-centred approach. This year the students will be looking to extend this student-centred approach through new initiatives led by the students such as Union Guilds and Societies, and a student cantered Eco team.

Eco Schools Award

Being environmentally friendly is a hot topic with our students and they strive to improve aspects of the academy to become more environmentally friendly. The Union have achieve the Bronze and Silver Eco Schools award and participate in regular local litter picks, tree planting and re-wilding projects. 


Guild Activities are where students get to select to partake in a four-week mini course, in an area of study that interests them. Some are run by staff, some by community members and some by students. The purpose is to allow students to develop a love of learning and have an opportunity to study areas that maybe the curriculum doesn’t allow us to offer such as Military Cadets, Boxing, Astronomy, Genealogy, Bushcraft, Generation Cafe and much much more. There will be three Guild Sessions in each year so students can take 3 separate guilds or enrol in a yearlong course such as Duke of Edinburgh or Titan. We always welcome anyone who might be able to volunteer and help run or support guilds.


The Venture Vibe radio station is broadcasted at break and lunch time around the academy. As well as playing music it also plays a host of teacher interviews, local sport reports and updates students on any upcoming events.

College Clash

There is a fun competitive spirit that permeates through the academy involving our four colleges, Innovate, Create, Achieve and Aspire. Each half term students will vote and suggest on a variety of extracurricular events that students win points for their college. We have had competitions’ such as Pizza eating contest, art and design events, debating competitions, Matholympics, sports events and many many more. The winning college at the end of each term gets to vote on a winners experience such as a movie afternoon, Easter egg hunt, or sundaes in the sun