
As a community, we share a determined optimism to provide an education that is ambitious

At Venture our curriculum is at the core of our academy.

As a community, we share a determined optimism to provide an education that is ambitious at every stage and provides the platform of social justice for all. Preparation for post 16 and beyond is an integral component of our vision. Through a challenging and rigorous curriculum, we ensure our students succeed by unlocking barriers and personalising learning for our students in both the academic curriculum and beyond.

Our vision for our students is underpinned by our academy Curriculum Statement

Our five year curriculum has been constructed to ensure that all students are engaged in a curriculum that is rich, inspiring and prepares them for their futures. Our expert subject staff carefully select knowledge and skills throughout the sequenced learning journey that develops in complexity throughout Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. These sequences of learning support students in developing a deeper understanding of the subject, and integrate opportunities to not only cover the National Curriculum but importantly to engage in a wider breadth of learning.

Opportunities are exploited to develop literacy and numeracy in all aspects of learning throughout the academy. Through shared strategies embedded within our curriculum, attention on subject specific demands and planned activities beyond we embrace the importance of these important skills to provide the tools to succeed in all areas.

Personalised Learning time is integral to our students as a carefully constructed opportunity to engage in a range of personal development and enriching learning. This includes our planned our Read Aloud program and CASH (Cultural, Aspiration, Spiritual, Health) curriculum.

Our curriculum allows all students to pursue all pathways. We offer the full entitlement and more throughout both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 enabling all students to experience a rich breadth of study across a wide range of learning experiences.

Key Stage 3

As part of our students 5 year journey, the full breadth and depth of the Key Stage 3 programme of study is followed during years 7, 8 and 9. The National Curriculum is used as a baseline for the content although we also enhance this with additional experiences and opportunities that are linked to our local context and to wider aspirations.

Each year is split into two bands of equal ability, with students set by ability within subjects.

Students study the following subjects in Years 7 – 9

  • English (4 hours)
  • Mathematics (4 hours)
  • Science (4 hours)
  • French or Spanish (2 hours)
  • History (2 hours)
  • Geography (2 hours)
  • Physical Education (2 hours)
  • CASH  (1 hour)
  • Computer Science (1 hours)
  • Visual Art ( Art & Photography rotation) ( 1 hour)
  • Performance ( Music & Performing Arts rotation) (1 hour)
  • Design & Technology ( Textiles & Catering rotation) (1 hour)
  • RE ( 1 hour a fortnight)

RE time is explicitly taught within Geography in year 7, History in year 8 and within both subjects in year 9 (Geography autumn term and History spring & summer terms)

A very small number of students are targeted to focus on our additional Tools4Life programme and intervention so do Spanish once a week.

Key Stage 4

At the heart of our curriculum is a focus on academic rigour in preparation for the next steps of education and beyond. All students have the opportunity to follow a wide selection of subjects and options. This includes the opportunity for all students to study the English Baccalaureate set of subjects. We stand proud of the challenge and achievement through both the core curriculum and the optional subjects they choose to follow.

In Year 10 and 11 all students study the following subjects:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • CASH (including RE)
  • PE ( students select one pathway from Sports Studies, Sports Leadership or Health and Fitness)

Students also select a further three options from the list of subjects below and study each subject for three hours a week.

  • Art
  • Catering
  • Child Care
  • French
  • History
  • Geography
  • Music
  • Performing Arts
  • Photography
  • Spanish
  • Textiles
  • Travel and Tourism
  • iMedia
  • Statistics