Trips and Visit

Personal Development – Enrichment 

At Venture we believe that one of the most important aspects of education we provide is to give your child the opportunity to experience things outside of the classroom which will help them develop personally as well as academically. Our academy has a rich tradition of providing students with experiences and activities which we believe your child will enjoy and allow them to thrive. 

Venture Careers Fair​Friday Talks (E.g. RAF, Army, Body-Building, YouTuber)​OAT Bake-Off​
Paul Hannaford Talk​Norfolk Safer Schools PresentationsI Will/We Will​
Hope Not Hate​Norfolk LGBT​Gam Care
Venture Games​Student Training Days​University Talks
Gresham’s Scholarship​Sports competitions​Summer Fete and Christmas Fair​
Beach Clean​Matthew Project​Summer Fete and Christmas Fair​
UVS ElectionsLearning Gurus​

Trips and Visits 

Trips and visits play a crucial role in developing character, key skills and extending learning for students at Ormiston Venture Academy. Each faculty plans trips for students across it’s 5 year curriculum as well as accepting opportunities when they arise to broaden horizons.​ We have regular local and national trips and a rotating international trips schedule. 

Please see our trips brochure here

A selection of trips include:

Trips and Visits
Norwich castleItalyCambridge
Netball WorldCampBletchley Park
Tollhouse MuseumTheatre Royal – NorwichNCFC – Carrow Road
Sainsbury CentreGorleston TownLondon
Thorpe ParkBeachWest End Theatres
Kew GardensNatural History MuseumArt Gallery
Sixth Form CollegeDuke of EdinburghMFL Conference – London

Enrichment Partners 

At Venture we work closely with a range of external partners who contribute to the enrichment programme. These organisations offer varied and valuable experiences to our students in many areas.​ 

Students can opt to join the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme which culminates in a 2-day expedition. DofE – The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award​. Students learn and develop new skills, improve their fitness and volunteer in the community for the other 3 sections in this nationally recognized award. 

They can also partner with the established Combined Cadets Force (CCF) at East Norfolk sixth form Combined Cadet Force | Homepage through our link with them.​ Students have the opportunity to learn skills for life with the aim of developing personal responsibility, teamwork, leadership and resilience in an educational partnership with the Ministry of Defense.   

Our close working partners include: 

  • Norwich City Football Club – Community Sports Foundation​ 
  • Apprenticeships Norfolk
  • University of East Anglia (UEA) outreach ​ 
  • Combined Cadets Force at East Norfolk sixth form​ 
  • Duke of Edinburgh​ Award 
  • NEACO – Higher Education Champion​ 
  • Into University​ 
  • East Norfolk Sixth Form​ 
  • East Coast College 
  • Gresham’s School​