Most Able

We are committed to ensuring they are challenged at higher levels

In the Classroom

At Venture, we are ambitious for our most able students and we are committed to ensuring they are challenged at the higher levels. Therefore, in lessons your child will:

  • Be set learning objectives that are pitched to the higher levels
  • Be presented with work set at the higher levels, requiring them to think hard
  • Be presented with resources that offer a higher level of challenge
  • Have regular opportunities to engage with examples of work at the higher levels
  • Have regular opportunities to engage with the higher level assessment criteria
  • Be taught how to plan, monitor and evaluate their own learning in order to take ownership of their progress and become increasingly independent, preparing them for the demands of post-16, including university
  • Be asked challenging and probing questions to support deeper levels of thinking
  • Be taught to write and speak in a scholarly manner through the manipulation of punctuation, grammar and vocabulary
  • Receive feedback on their work that supports them to reach the higher levels
  • Be given opportunities to take an expert role in lessons, for example during group work.

Beyond the Classroom

We are committed to providing all students ambitious and broad experiences beyond the curriculum. Our careers and futures program engages with a wide range of University experiences (including Russell Group), careers opportunities (targeting all sectors and pathways) and expert engagements through speakers, conferences and experiences.

In addition we are committed to promoting enquiry and experiences from the moment students join the academy. Our MindLabs program engages with students in a program that links to experiences, careers and skills development; planned as a part of enrichment our enrichment programme. It ensures that all students have access to an inspirational 5 year program to broaden their knowledge and prepare them to progress into any path in their future.