At Venture, through our RE curriculum, we are committed to developing within our students an understanding of cultural diversity, empathy and tolerance for others, enabling them to become 21st century global citizens.

As key drivers of our Venture curriculum, social justice and ambition underpin the RE curriculum through our commitment to ensuring all students have the opportunity to become religiously literate. This means students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to hold balanced and well informed conversations about theology, philosophy and human and social sciences.

In Year 7 and Year 8 students will study the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, alongside Buddhism and Hinduism. Students will study key teachings within each faith/world religion, their festivals and celebrations and as a result be ale to compare and contrast the faiths in a sophisticated manner.

In KS4 students have the opportunity to begin to put into context their understanding of religion and world faiths, by applying them to the modern world. Students will study a variety of socially important units including medical ethics, peace and conflict and crime and punishment. Within these units students will have the opportunity to discuss and debate topical and current issues surrounding abortion, euthanasia, war and the death penalty.

At Venture, through our RE curriculum, we are committed to developing within our students an understanding of cultural diversity, empathy and tolerance for others, enabling them to become 21st century global citizens. However, should you wish to discuss the right to withdraw from the RE curriculum, please get in touch with the academy.

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