Venture Sport

Outstanding commitment to Physical Education and the surrounding community

Venture Sport: Venture focuses on inclusion for all as well as nurturing talent, working with specialist clubs to promote and develop long term passion and improvement.

Our aim through sport is to develop future good citizens, via promoting sporting values. At Venture we believe that sport embodies society giving clear boundaries and structure. The values such as fair play, tolerance and respect, team spirit citizenship, excellence and national pride are what we aspire for our students to be when they interact with other and form the fabric of the local community. Instilling in students to always try their hardest and embed resilience into the students whatever the setback raises the students aspirations and has a positive impact on their post 16 and life choices.

In years 7 & 8 and 9, students focus on learning the fundamental key skills and knowledge in a variety of team and individual sports referenced in the national curriculum. 

In Year 10 & 11 students opt into three bespoke sport pathways. These are OCR Cambridge National Sport Studies qualification, Leadership award achieving the UK Sport Leaders Level 1 and Level 2 award, and Health and Fitness, achieving a gym instructors qualification on completion of the course. The students complete the OCR Cambridge Nationals Sport Studies qualification because it develops their understanding of a range of sports which can lead to increased participation rates, enjoyment and wellbeing whilst with us and post 16. Within this the students complete a compulsory exam unit, leadership unit which permeates through the curriculum from year 7. Leadership in sport is linked to our curriculum intent promoting the skills and qualities the students will need to become all rounded good citizens. As this is a priority to us at Venture focusing on ambition and the qualities students will need some students will be completing a sports leadership qualification route. Health and Fitnees will be taught to raise students knowledge on how to eat healthily and how to train to improve their fitness for a variety of sports. 

Orienteering was chosen for all students because it shows the diverse career pathways available to students, and continues to develop health and fitness in sports that would appeal and include all students. Practical sport is to nurture student talent for the venture elite programme, encouraging sporting participation post 16. 

Health and fitness is a key driver of the curriculum and is woven and tracked throughout, as well as inspiring students to take part in elite sport in the community. To ensure we overcome negative lifelong health and lifestyle factors we have ensured PE and the deeper understanding of this curriculum is a core element of the wider Venture curriculum. It is vitally important for students physical health and mental wellbeing to take part in physical activity. We believe by educating all students on the knowledge and importance of physical and mental health we are changing the community for the better in the long term and making the next generation a healthier one.

The students at Ormiston Venture academy complete six sports across each year with fitness built in throughout each sport. The students complete these sports as it is a progression from primary school building on prior knowledge, it also links into the academy fixture cycle in the local area to give all students the opportunity to excel beyond the classroom creating links with local sports clubs. The National Curriculum states “students should develop the confidence and interest to get involved in exercise sports and activities out of school and in later life”. Each year the sports increase in difficulty to challenge all students and develop understanding of sports and the hinterland knowledge around this. We select team sports to develop social skills and team work, individual sports to train the students on goal setting as a life skill. Analysis of performance is used to reflect and review students’ progress and make them self-aware of how to develop and improve. 

Venture students study OCR Cambridge National Sport Studies, Leadership Pathway and Health & Fitness Pathway. The students complete this qualification because it develops their understanding of a range of sports which can lead to increased participation rates, enjoyment and wellbeing whilst with us and post 16. Within this the students complete a compulsory exam unit. Orienteering was chosen for all students because it shows the diverse career pathways available to students, and continues to develop health and fitness in sports that would appeal and include all students. Practical sport is to nurture student talent for the venture elite programme, encouraging sporting participation post 16. Leadership in sport is linked to our curriculum intent promoting the skills and qualities the students will need to become all rounded good citizens. 

Extra-curricular commitment is at the heart of the success of the PE department. We offer a diverse of extracurricular clubs and fixtures for all year groups and genders. We offer the traditional clubs and competitions for Football, Netball, Rugby and Athletics. However, we also offer Softball, Rounders’, Tennis, Trampolining, Handball, Cheerleading and Fitness Suite training so that every student is engaged and feels included within the curriculum offer and can enjoy competing to improve their physical health and social wellbeing. Alongside this the PE department work with external clubs to offer enrichment opportunities for American Football, Ultimate Frisbee, Golf, and Weightlifting.

Venture has been extremely successful over recent years wining the local district Athletics cup for all year groups and having our athletes represent the county. We have won multiple Football league titles and cups. Our main success is our Netball team who have won the league in every age group in recent years and narrowly been beaten in the county finals. It is this competitive element built on a strong foundation of healthy lifestyles that demonstrates the true success. 

Many sports clubs are available for after academy enrichment. Many are run by members of our community. For further information please contact the Academy PE staff and details regarding Venture Sport via email to: [email protected]