Venture's Summer School

Summer School Intake September 2024  - 19th August - 23rd August 2024


Focus & Aims of Summer School

  • Aimed at the New Year 7 Cohort
  • Supports students engagement in their education and ‘The Venture Way’
  • Improving students confidence and self esteem
  • To improve social skills and develop friendships
  • To build positive relationships with key staff within the academy
  • To provide experiences that some students within the cohort would not normally access

“Can I just say what you guys have done is amazing my daughter has loved every part of this and she doesn't want it to end”

“My daughter and her friend have absolutely loved summer school this week so far and wanted to know if there was any spaces for them both to add on extra sessions on Thursday”

“I wanted to thank you for all that you are doing. This week is so important more so as the children have had no transition days so this is a great way of them finding their feet. He had a great day on Monday and was buzzing when he got home”


“My daughter has attended summer school, she was very worried when she went in but she came out smiling so thank you”

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